"I was honoured to be a guest speaker at the John Clare Countryside conference last week which highlighted exciting plans for this much-loved area.
The prospect of creating large new areas of nature rich habitat and restoring the landscape to its former glories, will not only be good for nature, but will also be good for people who can access nature, improving their health and well-being. It will also be beneficial for farmers and the local economy, as more people will want to visit and enjoy the landscape.
The project has the potential to be an internationally significant example of how we can combine nature, arts and heritage under the banner of Britain’s greatest nature poet, to deliver better health, community cohesion and overall quality of life." - Dennis Jones - City Council Leader
John Clare nature recovery programme unveiled https://www.peterboroughtoday.co.uk/news/people/vision-unveiled-for-nature-recovery-in-poet-john-clare-countryside-between-peterborough-and-stamford-4710104
A PRP opinion piece by Martin Chillcott (Chair of PRP) about how Peterborough should grow with a vision which benefits the residents of Peterborough.
Click <<here>> to view the article as published in Cambs News.
To view the detail on this report please click <<here>>.
Peterborough City Council started consultation on a NEW local Plan in 2023.
It is important to respond, as the responses shape the draft Local Plan, issued June /July 2024 for further consultation, which by then will include site recommendations for housing and employment development.
The timescale for the planning process is shown below
Postponed Peterborough City Council
on behalf of PRP, Martin asked the Planning Committee to ask 3 important
questions (2017)
1. Why are Officers recommending inclusion of ‘Great Kyne’ in the Local Plan when it directly contradicts 7 (Seven) of its own policies, related to development in the Countryside?
2. Why have Officers chosen the site, which by their own definition, has the highest risk of environmental and serious social harm?
3. Why is Peterborough even thinking about losing ‘best landscape’ forever ………just to keep Cambridgeshire County Council happy? (with the 2013 deal to take 2,500 of County Council's housing allocation)
Superb informed, passionate presentation by @ProtectRuralPB at today's planning meeting #GreatKyne #naturalcapital
Cllr Richard Ferris (Lab) tweet, who was in the audience
Robert Dalgliesh speaking on behalf of Milton Estates opposes 'Great Kyne'
PRP Chair , reflecting after the City Council Planning Committee and its recommendation to Cabinet to defer the Local Plan for 2-3 months while the overall numbers are re-calculated
HCA do NOT consider the area Countryside!
Even though City Council proposed 2,500 houses for ‘Great Kyne’, the HCA continue to press for 5,000, on land they feel isn’t countryside?
HCA still pushing for 5,000 houses, Commercial,
Industrial and warehousing + a cemetery South of the bypass
PRP lobbying Council and politicians to remove 2,500 houses ‘North of the By-pass’ from the Local Plan
(HCA lobbying for 5,000 houses)
First, a big “thank you” to all those people who wrote to the City Council, reacting to ...........
Sutton Parish Council responds to PCC Local Draft Plan
Castor Parish Council Comments on PCC Draft Local Plan
Castor Parish Council Comments on Peterborough Draft Local Plan. February 2017
Our Response
View our formal response to the City Council and Shailesh Vara MP, John Holdich OBE, Peter Hiller.
City Council’s Local Plan Deadline is Nearly Here!
Respond Now…to Stop a Township in the Parishes!
Deadline is 9th February 2017
Drop in Event: Saturday 4th February, The Village Hall, Castor, 2pm - 4pm
This is NOT about “Our Plans”; the community led Castor & Ailsworth Neighbourhood Plan. This is about “Their Plan”. Peterborough City Council (PCC) Draft Local Development Plan (LDP).
PROTECT RURAL PETERBOROUGH #PRP - Media Notes 3rd January 2017 – Full release
Rural Community says “No” to Township of 2,500 houses + Commercial & Industrial areas in the middle of open countryside.......